Saturday, February 8, 2014

Heart Time

When I look at your face I can usually tell what you are thinking, doing or feeling.  Our faces tell a lot about us… for example our emotions: anger, sadness or joy...  are usually hard to hide.  Our face can show others which direction we are going or what we are focusing on by what we are looking at. Our face can even show… wait for it… our Age.
Much like the face, our heart can reveal things about us. Like, what type of person we are. 
Proverbs 27:19
As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man.
What has your heart? Who has your heart?
Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
This verse is talking about storing your treasures in Heaven, making sure your heart is fixed on Jesus and everlasting life. If your heart is focused and maintained in the teachings of Jesus, it will show.
Your life is a message to the world; the way you live is a reflection of what you think is important.
Spending time with friends and family, going to church, playing sports or video games, working… even if you aren’t doing it consciously, everything is prioritized.
So, as you live your life, be conscious of the man your heart is reflecting.


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