Saturday, July 6, 2013

Am I Loving?

Reading in 1 Corinthians this week,  I landed on the old "Love Chapter" 1 Corinthians 13.  Normally I hear this chapter at weddings or in discussions on how couples should act. But very seldom have a I read it as a book. In the prior chapters Paul discusses spiritual gifts and proper functions of "the body" or church. 
Once he explains these functions and the importance of them, he then explains "the most excellent way..."


In church I can sing the greatest worship songs and give money to charities, but if have not loved I am nothing.  I can pray, say all the right things and have faith that moves mountains but if i have not loved, I have nothing. 

After Paul explains if we do things without love,  we gain nothing. He goes on to define love very clearly:

(i have separated the "love is and love is not")

Love is:  Patient, Kind, Protecting, Trusting, Truthful, Hopeful, Persevering.

Love is not: Envious, Boastful, Proud, Rude, Self-seeking, easily-angered, recording wrong doings,           delightful in evil, failing.

Looking at chapter 13 verses 4- 8 in a list setting, really allows me to focus on what love should be and how I need to approach every action. Wether, I am singing songs, helping others, walking down the street or talking to a friend... I can ask myself these daily questions...

Am I being patient, kind, protective, trusting, truthful, hopeful and persevering? Am I loving?

I can tell you its a lot easier for me to be what love is not sometimes...  

Let's all challenge ourselves to keep the list of what LOVE IS close to our hearts and remember it daily as we try to be a light in a darkening world.

With Love - Adam 

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